#tarteaucitronAlertBig {


After following these steps, any software you choose to install can run on your device. Be careful not to install anything from suspicious sources or click on links that add harmful files to your system. It is your responsibility to ensure that the applications you install are valid.

For Android devices only

  1. Go to the Settings of your phone.
  2. Then go to Security & Privacy > More Settings.
  3. Click the Install apps from external sources option.
  4. Select the browser (e.g., Chrome or Firefox) with which you want to download the application.
  5. Activate the Allow from this source option.
  6. Launch your browser to go to the Joxx.men download page
  7. Download the application
  8. Follow the instructions on the screen
  1. Click on the Download Application button above
  2. Once the download is complete, click on Open
  3. A window may appear informing you that for your security, your phone is not allowed to install applications from this source
  4. Click on the Settings button
  5. You will be taken to the Install unknown apps page
  6. Activate the Allow from this source setting
  7. A warning message appears.
  8. Click on the Accept button
  9. Click on the arrow in the upper right corner to go back
  10. The installation can start.
  11. Click on the Install button.